Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alevi Mizah Translation 2

Five Cents for a Keg of Wine

Intro:  This one reads like a fable or a bad Irish joke.  As I mentioned in a previous post, people from Thrace (Trakya) are famous for the drinking.

An Alevi dede from Thrace and his friend hit the road to sell some wine they had made.  They put the keg on top of their donkey.  Before they set out, they made an agreement.  They would sell a cup of wine for five cents, and if even if one of them drank a cup, then he would pay the other five cents.  After they had traveled a ways, they decided to have a rest in the shade of a tree.  Feeling a little down, the dede took the keg off the donkey, pulled five cents from his pocket, and handed it to his friend.  "Here's my money, hit me up with a cup of that wine," he said.  His friend took the money and dropped it in his change purse.  As he watched the dede drink, smacking his lips with delight, he felt his own appetite grow.  Once the dede had finished, his friend returned his money to him, and filled a cup for himself.  Afterwards, the dede took the same five cents and paid his friend for a second cup.  The money passed back and forth between the dede and his friend until they had drunk the whole keg.  Both of them, smashed out of their minds, lay down in the shade of the tree.  The dede started to laugh and called out to his friend.
"You know what, man?  I've never drunk such cheap wine.  Five cents for a whole keg!  Take it with our blessing, even if I do say so myself."

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